we’re too hard on ourselves.

We’re too hard on ourselves. In a world where that’s constant negativity and judgement, where there’s always something to criticize and dislike, be the one that has your best interest in heart. Be the one who has the nicest thing to say about yourself. Be the one who shields your heart from all the hate in the world.

I can stand in the mirror for five minutes and think of every little detail wrong with the way I look. I can overthink at night and create problems I didn’t even know I had. Sometimes it seems like I can’t escape my mind. Sometimes it seems like I get lost in this world of thoughts where I can’t help put myself down. It’s so easy to ruminate and concentrate on the negative things. It’s so easy to be hard on yourself.

What’s not easy? Being easy on yourself. Giving yourself a break. Stopping the terrible thoughts about yourself in their tracks. Reversing your mindset when you start to be harsh on the way you look, the way you act, the way you think, the way you talk, the way you work, etc.

In my head, I’m 10x worse than I am. It’s hard to see the positive things. It’s hard to see the beautiful things. Sure! I have those moments, often actually, where I feel good about myself. I’m proud of myself and where I am. But don’t those negative moments seem to outweigh the positive? I can think positive most of the day, but those random moments of doubt, of being too harsh, of thinking of everything wrong make me forget about the good moments.

Life is so much lighter when you remind yourself you’re only human. I don’t have to be perfect. I shouldn’t be perfect. I should feel comfortable in my mistakes, my faults and my problem areas. Getting to a place of comfort can be difficult. And do we ever fully get comfortable with everything?

The one thing I do know is being too hard on yourself is a recipe for disaster. Being your own enemy gets you nowhere. It just makes your life harder and your love for yourself smaller. Give yourself grace. A mistake is a mistake. A flaw is a flaw. Why obsess over things you can’t control or things you don’t get perfect?


becoming more self aware.


letting negative thoughts go.